Become a Foundation Supporter today!

By becoming a Foundation Supporter, you are making a crucial financial contribution that directly fuels the success of One Raceway. You will always know that you played your part in bringing this incredible circuit back to life.

Your support is genuinely appreciated and will significantly help us reach the finish line and elevate the racing experience for everyone involved.

Your support is more than just an opportunity; it's your chance to be a part of history and leave a lasting legacy in the motorsport community.

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to be part of a special group that will be remembered for years to come.

Foundation Supporter Inclusions

Paddock Crew
Pit Crew
Unlimited Availability
Podium Crew
Limited Availability
Public recognition
Paddock Crew
Pit Crew
Podium Crew
Name on publicly displayed supporters board
Name on permanent pit wall plaque
Website recognition - Name, Business Name, Logo
Paddock Crew
Pit Crew
Podium Crew
1R Tee
1R Baseball Cap
Polo Shirt
Unique 1R Hoodie
Quality 1R Coldy holder
Priority access to our Legacy memberships
Exclusive networking event for Foundation supporters
Lanyard and numbered supporter card
Included Track Days
Exclusive inclusions for Podium Crew
Paddock Crew
Pit Crew
Podium Crew
Collectors T-Shirt
Exclusive personalised merch with unique supporter identifier & name
Exclusive embroidered technical jacket
Assigned unique supporting number
Option to participate in silent auction or to negotiate for preferred supporter number
Ability to retain supporter number as future membership number
Priority allocation of race number for 1R events based on hierarchy
VIP parking for 1R events
Dedicated Podium Crew only track day & BBQ


I have questions that are not answered here…
What happens once the 12 months is up?
Do I have to participate in the auction?
What is the silent auction about?
Can I join the Foundation Supporters and gift it to someone else?
Can I gift a track day session to someone?
Can I buy the exclusive merchandise separately?
What does being a Podium Crew member mean?
How long can I be part of the Foundation Supporters?
Why would I be a Foundation Supporter?